How Much Does a Healthy Cat Weigh: Tips Based on Age and Breed

29.03.2023 16:14
Updated: 14.04.2023 23:24

In spring, people think about calories and extra pounds, but they continue to feed their pets as if they were going to slaughter.

However, the weight of pets also needs to be monitored and, if necessary, seek help from specialists to select a diet or food.

Here's how much a healthy cat should weigh, according to experts.

It is worth taking into account the characteristics of the animal's breed and gender. This is of key importance.

It depends on the breed

For Maine Coon representatives, the acceptable weight of a pet is up to 12 kilograms.

Photo: Pixabay

If we talk about sphinxes, then 2-3 kilograms are already close to the norm (males - 3.5-4.5 kg).

Bengal females weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg, and males 6-7 kg.

A Siamese cat weighs 3-4 kg, and a male cat weighs 4-5 kg.

British cats 3-4 kg and 5-8 kg depending on gender.

Mongrel cats and male cats from 2.5 to 6 kg.

But in so-called mongrel cats, weight can fluctuate even among kittens of the same litter. It all depends on heredity and genetics.

Who is heavier?

Of course, males are always heavier than females. This is provided by nature itself. If we talk about domestic representatives, then neutered and spayed cats usually weigh more than their wild relatives.

How to determine if you are underweight

This won't work with long-haired breeds, but smooth-haired breeds have an ideal figure, toned and with pronounced muscles.

If ribs are visible through the fur, then the pet is malnourished.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. It depends on the breed
  2. Who is heavier?
  3. How to determine if you are underweight