How to find out what kind of character a person has: look at their playlist

28.01.2025 16:10

Scientists have managed to identify the relationship that exists between musical preferences and a person’s character.

If you want to get to know the stranger sitting in front of you better, just ask him to tell you what kind of music he listens to.

If he prefers classical or folk music, he most likely has a high tendency to reflect. Such people are open to new experiences and think systematically.

Another typical character trait for fans of these genres is neuroticism.

The same can be said about jazz and blues fans.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In turn, rock and metal indicate that their listeners are also open to new experiences.

They cannot be called conservatives, but they do not always demonstrate a sense of responsibility.

Unlike the group of people described above, fans of these genres have emotional stability.

Optimistic music like pop, country, etc. attracts sociable and responsible people. Like their "predecessors" (rock and metal lovers), they can boast a stable emotional state.

Such people are also conscientious and hardworking, but sometimes they can be too conservative and avoid new experiences.

Extroverts are also attracted to rap, hip-hop, electronic and dance music.

Only, unlike those who are into light pop music and country, they are more open to new things and less conscientious.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources