Anger Management: Techniques and Strategies

09.12.2024 14:49

Anger is an emotion that can arise in response to prolonged stress, injustice, or irritation.

However, it is important to be able to manage anger so that it does not harm you or others.

Psychologist Ksenia Matur will talk about anger management techniques.

Anger is accumulated and not expressed in time anger and irritation. Let's imagine that inside you there is a certain vessel for these feelings and emotions, which quickly overflows and which is important to release in time, so that a catastrophe does not happen.

If you don't do this in a timely manner, you may experience uncontrollable fits of anger, when, as it were, "the spoon is not lying right" and you are ready to smash everything around you. So, if you already have these fits of anger, it means your vessel is overflowing, and our task is to clean it.

Photo: Pixabay

How to do it

Artificially create a way to experience accumulated anger. Choose a suitable place and time when you are alone and no one sees you or distracts you, choose a suitable way to express anger.

Here are some options: beating a pillow, screaming in a car, in the forest, into a pillow, into water, tearing paper, throwing things, hitting the ground, water, wood with a stick, hitting a chair, sofa with your hands, etc. It is important to try different methods and choose the one that suits you.

How to help yourself in living through anger? Remember all the moments when you were angry, but did not express your anger, when something irritated you, but you endured. Believe me, there were many such moments in your life, and all the unlived feelings sit inside and wait to come out.

You may need several approaches to get rid of the feeling of anger. When experiencing anger and rage, it is important to do actions aimed at destruction - hitting, tearing, beating, etc. Sports, washing dishes, or just breathing are not suitable. Our task is to pull emotions out of the body through actions.

The next method is to periodically write down all your experiences on a piece of paper using the free writing technique: write down everything that irritates you, worries you, makes you angry, without choosing words or composing literate and beautiful sentences.

Well, the most important thing is to track your feelings in the moment and experience the emotions. If you are angry and irritated, say so to yourself and others. In order not to ruin relationships with people, it is important to speak in "I-messages". Not: "You are bad, I am upset and angry because of you", but: "I am angry when you are late" and "I am sad when you ignore me", etc.

By experiencing feelings in the moment, in the situation in which they arise, you prevent feelings of anger and rage. It is much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, let's unload our experiences in time so that they do not turn into an uncontrollable avalanche that can bring everything in its path!

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor
Expert: Beautiful (Sysoeva) Ksenia