Top 5 Signs You're Burned Out

12.10.2024 10:00

Burnout is an emotional, physical and mental exhaustion due to prolonged tension, stress and workload.

It occurs if a person overloads himself with work, household chores, household chores, and affairs for a long time and does not give himself time to rest and recover.

Signs of burnout may be almost imperceptible at first, but will intensify over time. Let's figure it out with psychologist Ksenia Matur .

We can talk about burnout when the signs are observed for a long time - more than two weeks. If you periodically observe some symptoms, then take care of timely rest, sleep, proper nutrition and positive emotions.

Signs of burnout:

1. Chronic fatigue

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Waking up in the morning – you are already tired. Chronic fatigue does not go away after a night's sleep and persists for a long time. To recover – a longer reboot, massage, sanatorium, trip to the sea or nature is required.

2. Loss of meaning in life and activity, unwillingness to do anything

Occurs due to emotional and mental exhaustion that does not go away after physical rest. To restore emotional and mental health, it is important to free yourself from worries, thoughts, create an influx of positive emotions and a state of satisfaction.

3. Physical discomfort, endless symptoms, insomnia

But doctors do not find the reasons during the examination, psychosomatics takes place (psychological reasons turn into physical symptoms). All these are consequences of the strongest load on the body, which it cannot cope with, and completely different methods are required.

4. Withdrawal, desire to be alone, isolation from society.

When the body is exhausted, defense mechanisms are activated, such as the desire to conserve energy and turn on the economy mode. Then the person does not want to be active, communicate with other people, go to events. In this case, physical and psychological recovery will help.

5. Apathy, negative emotions, irritability, aggression

Just as in the case of withdrawal, irritability, aggression and apathy are all defense mechanisms when the psyche cannot withstand the stress and a breakdown occurs.

To prevent burnout from developing into depression, it is important to maintain a balance between work and rest, and to forcibly include rest in your life schedule.

Imagine that you do not give your phone or laptop a rest, do not charge them – what will happen to them? Very soon the charge will run out and they will turn off or overheat (the battery may even explode or the gadget will burn out). The same thing happens with our psyche and body. Take care of yourself in time!

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor
Expert: Beautiful (Sysoeva) Ksenia