A careless phrase can make a person look stupid in the eyes of others.
Don't want your friends, relatives, colleagues and ordinary acquaintances to consider you a fool?
Then refrain from saying a few dangerous lines!
Oddly enough, a person may seem not very smart at the very moment when he begins to convince others of his erudition or his professionalism.
Are you sure you know a lot about a particular subject? Don't rush to brag about it!
Demonstrate your knowledge or skills only when necessary.
Ignoring the rule may lead to others seeing you as a braggart and someone who overestimates themselves.
Don't say this phrase if you are still to blame for the current situation.
The fact is that the unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions is perceived by others as a manifestation of infantilism.
A person who does not want to look for ways to solve a particular problem may seem very stupid.
Love of literature is considered to be one of the manifestations of a high level of intelligence.
Don't want to look like a fool? Then don't admit that you don't read books!
A person who is used to acting according to the same algorithm and does not want to learn new approaches is unlikely to be considered smart by others.