This word is one of the most frequently used in the Russian language.
It is used in both everyday speech and work communication, which often explains the two stress patterns and plural forms.
Accountants and lawyers claim that this is professional slang. Don't believe these excuses, there is only one literary norm.
Have you guessed what word we are talking about? You probably hear it regularly at work.
This word is "agreement". The literary norm is "agreement" and "agreements", not "agreement" and "agreements".
The literary norm in this case is unambiguous, so you can safely correct your colleagues who claim the opposite.
A similar story with the distortion of literary norms in professional speech with a whole series of other words.
For example, when referring to professional slang, they say kvartal instead of the correct kvartal, katAlog instead of katAlog, sredstva instead of sredstva.
Earlier we talked about why people deliberately refuse knowledge and information.