These 13 Signs Indicate High Intelligence: Test Yourself

05.11.2023 11:05

We often become modest when we hear a compliment about our intelligence.

A developed mind deserves special attention, and there is no need to be ashamed of it. And the level of your genius is easy to check.

1. You are characterized by concentration.

A genius can focus his attention on any process for a very long time. And nothing can distract him.

People with a high IQ have the ability to distinguish primary information from irrelevant information. This fact was published in 2013 in the British scientific journal Current Biology.

2. You go to bed late

"The early bird catches the worm..." - this is not about you.

Young woman
Photo: Pixabay

The natural need to go to bed late is inherent in especially intelligent people.

This fact is confirmed by a study described in 2009 in the scientific and practical journal Personality and Individual Differences.

A study among several hundred US military personnel showed similar results.

3. Adaptability is your strong point

Flexibility and variability, the ability to find a solution in any situation are inherent in smart people. Developed intelligence helps us easily settle into any environment, create the necessary comfort for ourselves.

4. You are not one of those people who say: "I know everything"

Admitting that you don't know something doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, knowing more than others makes you realize that everyone always has something to learn.

Researchers Justin Kruger and David Dunning have proven that the level of intelligence depends on the desire to learn new things.

5. You are childishly curious.

Your inner childishness makes you open to any knowledge. You sincerely know how to rejoice in what has become a habitual and boring event for people.

A 50-year study in the UK found that smart children became more interested in learning as they got older.

6. You are open-minded

Intellectuals do not close themselves off. Having their own point of view, they never deny the opinion of others. Such people "greedily" seek new opportunities and ideas.

When comparing different points of view, intelligent people justify them for themselves through evidence, rather than relying simply on faith.

7. You are interested in yourself

Your ability to enjoy life does not depend at all on who you communicate with. Even alone, you always find something that interests you.

8. You are able to control yourself

There is almost no room for spontaneity and sharp emotionality in the lives of such people. To exclude unexpected events, you organize your time yourself: set goals, make plans, keep records and analyze the work done.

A 2009 study found that intelligent people are more sedate and have higher levels of self-control.

9. Having a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence

And this was proven by scientists from New Mexico who conducted research with people who write scripts for comedy shows or cartoons. It was proven that professional comedians are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence.

10. You are merciful

Constantly striving for the new is associated with the appearance of more and more people in your life. And openness implies the ability of an intelligent person to be empathetic without becoming emotionally involved.

11. You always find a solution

The constant desire for knowledge makes you more and more variable, capable of finding unexpected solutions even in the most difficult situations.

Smart people are able to connect what seems unconnected to others. American journalist Charles Duhigg wrote about the connection between intelligence and human creativity.

12. You know how to set priorities

Some scientists believe that intellectuals tend to put off many things for later.

In fact, a smart person's priorities may differ from the standard thinking of most people. What is important to others may not be of interest to you.

13. You are a globalist

High intelligence presupposes philosophical thinking, that is, the ability to see a situation from many sides. An intellectual does not limit himself to knowledge in one area of life, therefore he thinks more broadly than any average person.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. 1. You are characterized by concentration.
  2. 2. You go to bed late
  3. 3. Adaptability is your strong point
  4. 4. You are not one of those people who say: "I know everything"
  5. 5. You are childishly curious.
  6. 6. You are open-minded
  7. 7. You are interested in yourself
  8. 8. You are able to control yourself
  9. 9. Having a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence
  10. 10. You are merciful
  11. 11. You always find a solution
  12. 12. You know how to set priorities
  13. 13. You are a globalist