On what days of the week you can’t repay a debt: folk signs

27.06.2023 03:30

Being a debtor is unpleasant. Many people want to get their money back at the first opportunity.

However, such haste is not always for the best. First, you need to look at the calendar.

Perhaps now is not the best time to repay the debt.

According to signs, not all days of the week are suitable for such an action.

What days of the week should you not repay a debt?

Monday is considered unsuitable for this process. Moreover, on the first day of the week, you should not borrow money. Otherwise, there will be a risk of facing financial difficulties.

Photo: © Belnovosti

According to popular belief, you shouldn't repay a debt on Friday either. Especially if the person you're giving the money to is clearly not in the mood.

It is not advisable to repay a debt on Sunday either. It is believed that such an action can harm both the debtor and the lender.

What days of the week can this be done?

According to signs, you can safely start repaying a monetary debt on Wednesday and Thursday.

You can return the money on Tuesday, but before noon. You can do this on Saturday, but only during daylight hours.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. What days of the week should you not repay a debt?
  2. What days of the week can this be done?