A conversation with oncologist Lyudmila Artyushkevich. Advice that will help you avoid getting cancer

08.04.2023 08:15

Lyudmila Artyushkevich is an oncologist with thirty years of experience at the Aleksandrov Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Oncology and Medical Research and the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology. She believes that people should be afraid of the disease, not of visiting a doctor.

Cancer used to be considered a disease that affected people over 55. However, in recent decades it has become much younger and is increasingly found in people aged 25-30, as well as in children, for whom there are specialized clinics. Cancer can affect and disrupt the functioning of any internal organ, bones and skin.

Oncology as a science is developing very quickly. The introduction of new diagnostic and treatment methods leads to a significant improvement in treatment results. Those patients who were previously considered incurable are now recovering.

There are methods for early detection of tumors, so-called screening programs, which allow tumors to be detected at early stages and provide higher chances of recovery.

However, many people seek medical attention when their cancer is already in its final stages. Why does this happen?

Lyudmila Artyushkevich
Photo: personal archive of Lyudmila Artyushkevich

Oncologist of the 1st category of the HappyDerm medical center Lyudmila Artyushkevich explains that most people do not have the habit of going to the doctor when they feel well.

Symptoms of cancer usually appear only when the disease reaches an advanced stage. In addition, some people do not believe in medicine and may refuse treatment because they believe that cancer is a fatal disease that cannot be cured.

However, early diagnosis is one of the key factors that allows a patient to be cured of cancer. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations.

What other reasons can you name for late visits to the doctor?

Another reason is fear. Many people are afraid to find out the truth about their health, and therefore postpone a visit to the doctor. However, as I have already said, it is not the visit to the doctor that you should be afraid of, but the disease. The sooner you contact a specialist, the greater the chances of a full recovery.

How are cancer diseases diagnosed?

Diagnostics begins with examining the patient and collecting anamnesis. Then laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out, such as biopsy, ultrasound, MRI, CT, etc. They help to accurately determine the presence of a tumor and its characteristics.

In addition, there are screening programs that can detect tumors at early stages before symptoms appear.

How are cancer treatments carried out?

Treatment depends on the type and stage of the tumor, as well as the general condition of the patient. It may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, etc. Often, combination therapy is used, that is, several treatment methods in combination.

What advice can you give to people to prevent the development of cancer?

The most important advice is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, eat right, exercise, avoid stress and depression.

It is also very important to undergo regular medical examinations and screening programs, especially if you have a family history of cancer.

Remember that early diagnosis is the most effective way to fight cancer. Do not be afraid to contact a doctor, it can save your life.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor