Psychologist Anna Ryazanova explained what a nervous breakdown is

24.03.2023 12:00

A nervous breakdown is a cumulative story.

Anna Ryazanova, an expert on psychology at the online publication BelNovosti, explained what a nervous breakdown is.

Why do we say "breakdown"? Because when the limit of stored negativity is reached, we break down on something or someone.

And often on someone who had no long-term relationship with our accumulated emotions. And in fact, a nervous breakdown becomes a trigger for the psyche.

On the one hand, it is even useful, because the accumulated emotions do not remain inside and do not destroy the body. On the other hand, after nervous breakdowns, we do not change anything.

Photo: Pixabay

That is, let's trace the entire process from the very beginning. We always have emotions if we experience some kind of attitude, some kind of feelings towards a situation, people.

And at certain moments in our lives we can be in some events for a long time that cause us stress as a physiological reaction. This is when the hormonal background in the body changes due to what happens to our psyche due to external factors.

And instead of freely experiencing these emotions, we forbid ourselves to express them. For example, anger is considered something bad, even indecent. Although anger is, most often, a response to an attack, an encroachment on our personal boundaries.

And so we endure, endure, endure, our entire nervous system, our body experiences enormous tension.

And then another trigger finally breaks the patience, the person literally goes crazy and splashes out everything that has accumulated in him, all the tension that was in his psyche. And at the same time, the situation may be absolutely not worth attention.

For example, a person loses his temper over a small change at a salesperson, a cashier, a conductor, a neighbor, or even a passerby.

You can live a very long time with such a strategy. However, it is unlikely to bring personal happiness, satisfaction with life and others. It is necessary to develop emotional intelligence correctly and competently. What is it?

In the classical definition, this is the sum of a person’s skills to recognize their emotions, understand their true intentions and motivation.

In simple words, it is a person's ability to realize, to be aware of what he feels every day, what emotions he experiences and why, what offends him. By increasing his own emotional intelligence, a person learns to unwind his emotions like a ball through awareness.

As a result, he understands whether he wants to continue like this or not, starts working with them, gets out of these psychological nosedives and nervous breakdowns. That is, he changes his response strategy.

There are quite a few techniques for dealing with nervous breakdowns: meditation, therapeutic breathing, and working with the subconscious. Our psyche and body function in a certain rhythm of tension and relaxation.

Therefore, it is essential to include various relaxation practices in your schedule, and then nervous breakdowns will simply be unknown to you.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor