Psychologist Olga Nesterenko told how to become an attractive woman

13.02.2023 20:26

I would like to list the points that tell you how to become attractive.

Psychologist Olga Nesterenko told how to become an attractive woman.

Or write a few rules about what you need to learn to do, and what, on the contrary, you shouldn't do. But that won't work.

To become attractive, a woman must learn only one thing - to love herself and unobtrusively convey this love to others.

Men do not miss such a woman. What is the secret? A woman who loves herself and her life, radiates incredible energy, you always want to join her to feel the pleasure of life with her.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

And it doesn’t matter what kind of figure she has, she enjoys herself, doesn’t shy away from the mirror, loves herself the way she is – with all the dimples, bulges and hollows.

And of course, to maintain the flexibility and health of her body, she does any kind of fitness, without fanaticism. She does not necessarily have to drag dumbbells in the gym, but it is enough, for example, to go to dance or yoga 2 times a week.

Self-acceptance is an important element of unconditional self-love.

When a woman loves herself, she will not cram a kilogram of pies into her female body, knowing the consequences of such a diet. But she will not completely give up her favorite, albeit high-calorie dishes, because she simply knows the measure in the amount of food eaten.

And enjoying food is a special charm that evokes admiration in many men.

An attractive woman will not fish out the fat from her plate and put it demonstratively on the table, wincing with disgust; she will do everything unnoticed by those around her, so as not to spoil the appetite with her dissatisfaction.

She will not neglect her appearance with the words "I gave birth", "I don't have the money for care" or "I don't have time to go to the doctor". It is precisely because she loves herself that she always has a neat manicure, clean and tidy hair, clothes that match her figure and the style that suits her.

Her health is fine because going to the doctor is a given. So are visits to the massage therapist and spa salons.

An attractive woman will not allow rudeness to be directed towards her, putting the object of rudeness in his place with simple phrases: “You can’t treat me like that, I’m not used to being treated like that, I don’t like it.” And she will stop communicating if the story with unworthy behavior is repeated.

An attractive woman also knows her limits with alcohol and should not be carried away from a party in a state of insanity. When she feels it is time to stop, she pours water or juice into her glass, and those around her sometimes do not even suspect the substitution. But she continues to have fun with everyone else, but in full awareness of what is happening around her.

An attractive woman knows what she wants from life. She has a rough plan for the coming year, month, week, written down in her wish diary or simply in her favorite planning notebook. She is not thrown in different directions by uncertainty, because she herself does not know what she wants.

Such a woman does only what she loves and will not do what she does not like, lamenting that "life has failed or such is her fate." With her confidence in the future, a woman is very attractive to the opposite sex.

It’s not scary to make plans with her, you can rely on her and be sure that you definitely won’t be bored.

An attractive, self-loving woman reads books and is always learning something, so she can support a conversation in a company on almost any topic, especially one that she likes. Because if the topic is unpleasant, she will not force herself to participate in the conversation.

It is always pleasant to spend time with a woman who loves herself and introduce her to friends or parents. You want to spend your whole life with her. People marry them and want children from them, just as beautiful, interesting and cheerful.

Learn to love yourself unconditionally, following the criteria of a woman who loves herself, to become an even happier and more harmonious person. It is possible.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor