What Kind of People Cheat Most Often: Infidelity Is Characteristic of Certain Types of People

13.12.2024 18:14

Psychologists have found that there is a connection between a person’s personal characteristics and the possibility of cheating.

Men with patriarchal attitudes

Some representatives of the stronger sex firmly believe that a male by nature should have many partners, so they do not see anything bad in cheating (on their part, of course).

Anxious people

Anxious people tolerate loneliness worse, so they, on the one hand, are more involved in relationships with their partners, and on the other hand, they can start several relationships at once in order to insure themselves against a broken heart.

Under stress

For some people, betrayal becomes a response to severe life shocks, a kind of reaction to the grief they have experienced.

Self-centered people

People who put their own feelings first often cannot boast of a high level of empathy. This means that they are alien to the pain of others. Having decided to cheat, they are unlikely to think about the experiences of their regular partner.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Those who can't say "no"

As a rule, this category includes girls who were taught to be obedient from childhood. They simply cannot say "no" because they were raised to be polite and convenient.

Important: Even if you find that your partner is one of the types listed above, this does not mean that he will 100% cheat on you.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Men with patriarchal attitudes
  2. Anxious people
  3. Under stress
  4. Self-centered people
  5. Those who can't say "no"

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