10 Things a Man Should Never Do in Front of a Girl

22.02.2024 17:00

The way a man behaves with a girl directly affects the type of relationship he has with her.

If you behave correctly, she will try her best to maintain and strengthen this relationship.

Unfortunately, many guys just don't know how to treat a girl in a way that makes her actually want to be with him.

What should you not do to avoid making fatal mistakes?

Don't spend a day without communication

If you really like a girl, you should try to contact her and talk at least once a day. If this does not happen, the girl will most likely assume that the partner is spending time with another girl. As funny as it may seem, many girls think so.

Photo: Pixabay

Don't be too pushy

It is worth refraining from excessive persistence with girls, especially at the stage of acquaintance. For example, if a guy likes a girl he just met, he should not immediately ask her out on a date, since she obviously does not know the potential partner well. If you immediately ask her out on a date, it will most likely scare her away.

Instead, you can start with a small talk with her. Tell her about yourself. Make her feel comfortable. After some time, you can try to ask her out on a date.

Don't talk about your exes

An example of what girls find repulsive in guys is when they tell them about their exes. Yes, it is okay to tell them about your past, but it is important not to overdo it. An ex-girlfriend is an ex-girlfriend.

Don't be shy about expressing affection in public

There is no need to be shy about expressing your love for a girl in public, as she may assume that the reason the guy is hesitant to do so is because he wants to create the impression that he is still “available.”

Some girls tend to think, "I know why he doesn't hug me in public. There's another girl, isn't there?!" Bottom line: If you like a girl, you should show it. No matter where.

Don't stalk a girl

Women generally want to have a fulfilling relationship with men. This means they want kisses, hugs, and everything else you can think of. Here's what to keep in mind: If a guy doesn't see a girl as his one and only for a long period of time, don't pursue her.

Don't neglect your manners

Men's behavior in relationships differs from women's behavior. However, you should not forget about your manners. This means that it is not at all difficult to ask for forgiveness when necessary, to open the door for a girl, to refrain from swearing too much, etc.

Don't force a girl to do something she's not ready for.

This advice is very important! You can't force a girl to do things she doesn't like at the moment (like kissing, hugging, etc.). You need to give her time and not rush. She will let you know when and if she is ready.

Don't ignore the girl

This is another very important piece of advice. You can't ignore the girl. Otherwise, she will most likely think that the guy is spending time with another girl.

Also, it is important to note that the girl is unlikely to be happy if she finds out that the guy has read her messages but has not responded to them (she will also be unhappy if she notices that the guy is active on social networks at this time). If the guy is busy, you can simply let him know about it.

Don't spend too much time with a girl

Clingy guys are just as off-putting as clingy girls. In other words, a girl doesn't like it when a guy texts her too often, she doesn't want to spend every second of the day with him, etc. It's important to keep the spark alive in a relationship.

Don't talk too much to other girls

This is one of the most important pieces of advice. If a guy likes a girl, she expects him to make her his top priority (i.e. his "main girl") over all the other girls. If a guy really likes a girl, then he should focus only on her.


All romantic relationships go through ups and downs, and they all require work and a willingness to adapt and change with your partner. But whether a relationship is just beginning or a couple has been together for years, there are steps you can take to build a healthy relationship. Even if there have been many mistakes, it is possible to find satisfaction and enjoy mutual happiness.

Earlier we wrote about what kind of girls people don’t marry .

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Don't spend a day without communication
  2. Don't be too pushy
  3. Don't talk about your exes
  4. Don't be shy about expressing affection in public
  5. Don't stalk a girl
  6. Don't neglect your manners
  7. Don't force a girl to do something she's not ready for.
  8. Don't ignore the girl
  9. Don't spend too much time with a girl
  10. Don't talk too much to other girls
  11. Conclusion

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