What kind of men do women leave after a few months of relationship: experts reveal secrets

17.10.2023 18:59

Some ladies can already determine with certainty after the first date that a person is not right for them, and even tell him about it.

More delicate women, if they have sympathy, can close their eyes to shortcomings and give a man a chance.

If the shortcomings remain in their original form, then even polite girls prefer to leave, having experienced disappointment.

What kind of men do women run away from after a few months of relationship

During the entire time of their acquaintance, the admirer did not give me a ride home or pay for a taxi

If a man is gallant and decent, he will always take care of the woman he likes. It is unlikely that such a man would want his beloved to get home by public transport after a date or pay for a taxi herself.

By refusing to follow this unspoken rule, a man falls in the eyes of a lady, because she feels used.

Photo: Pixabay

The man didn't even want to pay for a cup of coffee, let alone more.

This is also a very important question of politeness, which for some reason has become incredibly relevant recently. Modern men (a certain part of them) value their salary so much that they do not consider even the insignificant cost of coffee a worthy expense.

A woman sees this attitude and draws fair conclusions.

The admirer ignores any difficulties of his lady

Such men provide only verbal support, telling their companion how strong she is. Any woman will be simply amazed by such an attitude.

At the very least, girls expect a formal offer of help. After all, it is not even a fact that they will accept it. Therefore, experts recommend reacting correctly to a woman’s messages that something is broken or she is sick.

By providing only "moral support" you can end up alone.

Partner does not consider it necessary to give up "lonely" habits

If a woman notices that a man continues to show interest in other women, continues to view adult materials and in every way shows that he is still "available", then that is what happens.

Any decent girl has many more candidates for the role of a partner, so there is no point in her putting up with these habits.

A man thinks about his needs first

There is nothing wrong with finding a balance in life. However, women are observant and wise. If they notice that a man thinks first of all only about himself, then, without thinking, they leave him.

For example, he makes a date at the last minute without asking if the lady is free. For such a man, meetings with friends will always come first. If the partner thinks about his comfort first, then he should get used to loneliness.

And the reason is not that women are all "mercantile and demanding", but that they expect manly actions from their admirer. Otherwise, such a guy can be a friend at most, nothing more.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What kind of men do women run away from after a few months of relationship
  2. During the entire time of their acquaintance, the admirer did not give me a ride home or pay for a taxi
  3. The man didn't even want to pay for a cup of coffee, let alone more.
  4. The admirer ignores any difficulties of his lady
  5. Partner does not consider it necessary to give up "lonely" habits
  6. A man thinks about his needs first

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