Income Difference: How It Affects Relationships in a Couple

13.10.2023 18:26

Everything is great for the man and woman: love at first sight, romance, pleasant leisure, and everything worked out in an intimate way. The lovers continue to get to know each other, and suddenly, among the nuances, one unpleasant one is revealed - her income is higher. It is unpleasant to realize this, and even more so to tell.

What to do? Let's look at the situation together with psychologist Stanislav Sambursky .

The situation does not bring joy. Instead, there is continuous discomfort, forcing you to think about a new job with a lower salary, or to resign yourself and pay for your beloved man.

Let's imagine goal-oriented Lena. She's not even 30, she spends her vacation on a warm sandy beach, dresses stylishly, and looks her best. And then she meets Vanya, an acquaintance of her friend. He's charming, cheerful, seemingly hardworking, but his career is not going well. And everything is fine, only their meetings are more modest each time. Instead of a movie or a cafe, Vanya suggests walking in the park, instead of an interesting event - sitting at home and watching a TV series.

Lena doesn't like this kind of boredom. She insists on her own and says that she will pay for everything. After paying for leisure, situations arise when she has to pay for Vanya's loan, Vanya's utilities, etc.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Her friends are no help either: one says - leave, the other - set conditions, don't sit on your neck, let her grow to your level. And at this time Lena's heart is breaking, because she understands: this can't go on any longer.

Vanya himself is not happy about it. He works according to his calling, and everything is fine. It just so happened that he fell in love with the one who earns more. Is it really possible to just go and break up on this basis? Or can a compromise be found?

In previous centuries, such a problem did not exist. Only men worked, women sat at home and raised children. The 20th and 21st centuries showed that life can be different: women are free to get an education and reach career heights, men can be weak, passive and not so cold-blooded.

Stereotypes continue to influence society, where it is accepted that men earn more. But the world has changed, and now it is not so important. The main thing is to do what you love, build relationships without looking back at the past and the opinions of others.

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal