Never Do This in a Relationship. A Psychologist Gave Valuable Advice

01.07.2023 19:15
Updated: 03.07.2023 10:31

During their lives, people repeatedly enter into new relationships. The reasons for this are varied. However, the feelings experienced after a breakup are identical for many.

Often girls think that the world is unjustifiably cruel to them. They ask themselves: "Why am I so unhappy?" Even if they themselves were the initiators of the breakup, they are still covered by a wave of sadness and self-pity. To be more precise, at first, having announced to their partner about the decision to break up, the girl feels inspired, a surge of strength and rejoices in freedom.

But euphoria is replaced by melancholy and the desire to return the one whom she recently abandoned.

At such moments, the support of loved ones is important, because the emotional state is unstable: stress and sadness can lead to depression.

Psychologist Stanislav Sambursky notes that comparing yourself with movie heroines and with friends in similar situations is undesirable and unproductive.

Photo: Pixabay

Fear of losing male attention

An unstable emotional state provokes fear of losing male attention. As a result, women begin to look for a new partner. At this point, they are not picky about the chosen one and, what is important, do not realize that they themselves are not yet ready for a new romance.

The danger of this impulse is that a woman who is not morally prepared for a relationship enters into a relationship with an unworthy man. The fear of loneliness is dulled, but the quality suffers.

As a psychologist, I do not recommend being afraid of short-term loneliness. This time is necessary to survive what happened, to realize the loss and to understand: you can be happy without a man.

In cases where you can't cope with a breakup on your own, the help of a psychologist will be very useful. During the meetings, the woman will become aware of her personal emotions, live through them, work on self-acceptance, and also learn how to effectively overcome difficulties in the future.

Depression due to separation

Depression is a frequent companion of women after a breakup. It manifests itself in different ways: constant fatigue, anxiety, lack of interest in everything, thoughts of suicide, etc. The last point should not be ignored under any circumstances. It is a direct indicator that you need help from a specialist.

Despite this, depression is an appropriate response to the loss of a loved one, as well as to illness or death.

The duration of depression varies from person to person: several weeks, months or years. In any case, the feelings experienced should lose their strength over time.

As a psychologist, I do not advise giving in too much to feelings and emotions, so that they do not rule over the mind. It is more productive to direct energy to sports, hobbies, travel, communication with friends and other useful activities.

Breakup is an inevitable process. It is up to the person how he will live through it: in depression, in a thoughtless search for another partner, or accept the situation with optimism in order to use the matter usefully and without fear of loneliness to devote precious time to himself.

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. Fear of losing male attention
  2. Depression due to separation