5 taboos in relationships with a man: what mistakes many women make

02.03.2023 06:20
Updated: 14.04.2023 10:01

All women know very well that men need warmth, love, affection and tasty food. But do you know anything about those things that are unacceptable in a relationship with a lover?

People still cannot solve the mystery of romantic relationships.

For what reasons do successful couples suddenly break up? And do husbands and wives who amaze their relatives with their endless quarrels remain faithful to each other?

Apparently, not all people know how to be truly close to each other. But this does not mean that this art cannot be learned.

Ladies, for example, should learn what actions are prohibited while in a love affair with a member of the stronger sex.

Photo: Pixabay

So, here are the 5 main prohibitions.

1. Don't be too modest

When your beloved man presents you with a huge bouquet of roses or a piece of jewelry, you scream: "You spent so much money on this gift! You should have saved it." By saying this inappropriate phrase, you make a big mistake. In the future, it may contribute to your separation.

Of course, you shouldn't suddenly become a mercenary and demanding person, forcing a man to spend a lot of money on your whims. But a love affair in which a man does not court his other half and does not please her with gifts is not valuable to him.

Indeed, why value a woman for whom you don’t have to work hard, come up with something new, or overcome difficulties?

A love union for the stronger sex is like a house: when they take care of their home, make repairs in it and buy new furniture, it becomes the most precious and beloved for them. If you suggest your spouse to get rid of an old, rusty car, he will be indignant and say: "I will never say goodbye to my "swallow". She is very dear to me!"

Accept his gifts with a smile and delight, but do not constantly demand them from your other half. Let your chosen one invest more in you (material resources and time). Does your loved one want to pay your bills?

Great, let him help you pay off your debts. He wants to fix a broken table and nail a shelf in the room? Then give your man the tools and brew him some delicious tea so that the work "will boil". And most importantly - thank him more often for his help and courtship.

2. Don't show pity to him

If he has a problem, he runs to you as fast as he can. It's just that a man is used to pouring out all his sadness and grief on you, putting his head on your lap and complaining about his bitter fate and the injustice that reigns around him. Do you say the warmest words to him, hug him and stroke his head? Well, this is a common female mistake. Stop feeling sorry for him immediately! When he first told you about his failures, you had a desire to console your beloved, as if he were not a strong man, but a tiny boy in need of motherly affection. He is childish beyond belief!

Because of your pity, you do not take this whiner seriously, do not feel sexual attraction to him. He, in turn, treats you as a caring mother, which is why he does not strive to drag you into bed and embrace you.

Well, the son won't have sex with his mother, right? You are a very compassionate person by nature and can't do anything about it? Then replace pity with sympathy. That way you will be on equal terms with the man.

3. Don't show your stubbornness

He offers you a mortgage, but you flatly refuse, not wanting to pay extra interest. He persuades you to try to have a child next year, but you prove that children are nothing but trouble. No matter what your loved one says, you will always be dissatisfied.

For each of his arguments, you have a counterargument prepared. You are so stubborn that you could compete with the most stubborn ram. But stubbornness has never made any relationship strong and long-lasting. Try to listen to the words of your other half: you have probably rejected many good offers from him.

Every man wants to feel powerful and independent, do not deprive him of this opportunity. Of course, you should not agree with all his demands and ultimatums, but you are simply obliged to take into account his reasonable needs and desires.

Understand that patience is not limitless! No worthy man will tolerate a woman who constantly argues with him and does everything in spite of him. Less often engage in verbal squabbles with your loved one if you do not want to lose him forever.

4. Don't try to pretend

Do you think that every person can say what he thinks and express the feelings he experiences? In fact, it is not easy.

Just remember your behavior: do you often smile an insincere smile or assure your lover that you experienced pleasure from unsuccessful intimacy? Of course, you pretend with the best intentions. You are afraid to upset the man dear to your heart.

When he is nervous and worried, you are beside yourself, so you resort to such a small lie. But there is one thing: despite your efforts, the man will still understand that you are not sincere with him. Maybe subconsciously, but he will understand. Ultimately, trust will completely disappear from your union. Do you want your chosen one to consider you a vile deceiver or a hypocrite?

5. Don't burst into tears

Many men cannot stand women's tears and hysterics. When you cry your eyes out, your husband immediately makes concessions to you: "Okay, I'll do everything as you want. Stop crying right now!" Are you really convinced that sobbing and hysterical screams are so useful? Do you want to continue to behave like this? But if you start shedding tears every day, your beloved will soon get used to your scenes and will stop following your lead. You will find yourself in a stupid situation and will simply be confused.

Before this, you negotiated with your life partner using hysterics, and now you need to find a different approach to the man. But you don’t know how to have a constructive conversation, you don’t know how to negotiate, give in and convince. You will find yourself at a dead end. To avoid this, read useful literature and learn how to have a productive dialogue.

You can cry, but only when you really want to. Remember that you are a grown woman, not a small capricious child.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Don't be too modest
  2. 2. Don't show pity to him
  3. 3. Don't show your stubbornness
  4. 4. Don't try to pretend
  5. 5. Don't burst into tears