5 Things Women Do That No Man Is Worthy Of

01.03.2023 06:50
Updated: 14.04.2023 09:25

For the sake of true love, people make sacrifices, perform feats. But feelings for a man should not make a woman a hostage who will completely obey, forgetting about her goals, tastes and desires.

A woman in love sometimes does not know why she dissolves in a man, neglecting her own needs. She forgets about herself, trying to please her partner. This is especially noticeable when the feeling covers her completely.

A representative of the weaker sex wants to overcome any difficulties and walk on hot coals so that her beloved is happy! But do not forget: there is a high risk of making mistakes! There are things that are absolutely forbidden to do for a man!

1. Stop communicating with your family

When a woman is in love, a man becomes the most important person in her life and overshadows everyone else. Sometimes it happens that a man simply cannot find a common language with someone close to his chosen one.

In some cases, a lover may put a friend before a choice, offering to decide who is more important to her: him or her relatives. Do not follow his lead under any circumstances! Do not stop communicating with your family and friends to please your partner.

Couple, people
Photo: Pixabay

If your relatives are not thrilled with your new acquaintance either, don't get into trouble and try to prove the opposite to your relatives. The best way out is to just wait. Life will put everything in its place very soon.

If this man is destined for you by fate, then your relatives will accept him sooner or later. And if not, then your relationship with your loved ones will remain the same. You can't turn away from your loved ones!

2. Give up the desire to become a mother

Some men are not made to be fathers. They try in every possible way to dissuade a woman from having a baby. Of course, such an important issue as having a child should be decided by both partners.

It is wrong to indulge a man and deprive yourself of the happiness of motherhood just so that he continues to feel the most loved and dear in your life.

It is too early for you to think about menopause now, but it will come someday. Then you will forever lose hope of having a long-awaited baby. Think about divorce while you have time to become a happy mother.

3. Take responsibility for all financial matters

Everyone knows the saying "money can't buy happiness". However, the majority of divorces occur precisely due to financial difficulties. Some women, in an effort to protect their family from problems related to money, take everything upon themselves.

It is worth remembering that most problems arise not because of men’s low income, but because of their indifference towards their family and beloved woman.

A husband who lies on the couch all day long and doesn’t think about where the food in the house comes from will sooner or later become boring even to the most patient wife.

4. Radically change your image

If a woman at a certain moment decides to change her image, this is her conscious choice, dictated by a number of reasons. Some representatives of the stronger sex insistently demand that their wives or girlfriends throw out of the closet all the revealing and bright outfits that others like.

Some do not allow you to wear trousers or short skirts, others forbid you to use cosmetics at all. Psychologists say that these demands of men are nothing more than the first signs of domestic violence. If today you agreed with his prohibitions, then tomorrow he will raise his hand against you, and you will silently endure all the insults and suffer. Think about your future!

5. Gaining or losing weight

You can't love someone just for their pretty face and slim figure! Remember: you are the mistress of your body and can do with it as you wish. If you like being plump, no amount of teasing or ultimatums from your lover should convince you otherwise.

Never go on a diet because of a man's whim. Today he doesn't like your weight, and tomorrow he will demand that you have several plastic surgeries at once.

If he doesn't love you for who you are, he will always be dissatisfied with you. Trying to please him is useless and harmful to your health.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Stop communicating with your family
  2. 2. Give up the desire to become a mother
  3. 3. Take responsibility for all financial matters
  4. 4. Radically change your image
  5. 5. Gaining or losing weight