Why do men live with unloved wives?

01.03.2023 21:15
Updated: 14.04.2023 08:49

"He doesn't love his wife! But why? Why doesn't he get a divorce?!" - this is the question that every second woman asks herself when she finds herself in a love triangle with a married man. And really, why doesn't the unfaithful husband just leave his hated wife? After all, it would be more honest and easier.

However, many cheaters are not so simple, and they have their own 10 reasons to somehow maintain an official marriage.

By the way, it is not necessary that there is only one reason for each representative of the stronger sex.

In some situations, there is a whole complex of reasons to be patient and not go off into the sunset and divorce, says Pavel Rakov, an expert of the online publication Belnovosti, a psychologist, coach, and creator of the cult training “In fact, I’m smart, but I live like a fool.”

1. They want their children to have a father

Yes, this is not only a typical excuse for women. Some husbands want to raise their children without becoming Sunday dads. These gentlemen are sure that both parents are important for a son or daughter. But here they still make one strategic mistake.

Photo: Pixabay

A child needs a happy father and mother, and not strangers who are exhausted by everyday life, marriage, and constant conflicts or coldness.

2. They don’t want to pay alimony in case of divorce

Leaving a family with children is not so easy. It immediately minus a certain amount from the budget for alimony. Men know how to count, and therefore for many divorce is not such a desirable outcome. How to build a new life with a new wife on the remains?

Of course, you can avoid paying alimony for a long time, but bailiffs don't just get their salaries for nothing. And if there is no child in the marriage, then in any case there will be a division of property. No, it's better to continue living with an unloved wife!

3. They are afraid of condemnation

For some, constant assessments and condemnations from relatives, friends, colleagues will definitely be unusual. All these unpleasant whispers behind your back, especially if the husband initiated the divorce. After all, in this case, the wife is an unfortunate victim, and he is a terrible villain.

For some males, such gossip interferes with their careers, so they have to come to terms with the fact that their spouse has long since cooled off.

4. They are comfortable in marriage

If there is a convenient woman nearby, then... And why not?! She will wash, cook, vacuum, raise children in the spirit of "Father is sacred". And in general, she does not interfere, does not shine, is not jealous of other women, does not get on your nerves. Life is a piece of cake! That is why many men are in no hurry to leave their families. After all, in this case, you can lose the usual comfort.

5. They don't want to change anything

It's laziness, just male laziness, to which fear is added. What if things change, but for the worse? And then, in a divorce you have to somehow move, look for an apartment, money for the children's support, wash the dishes yourself and clean the house.

And it's not a fact that the new passion will be better than the previous one. Besides, no matter how you look at it, you'll have to start from scratch and get used to a different woman. Phew, scary!


6. They have a certain status

For some men, marriage gives a certain status, especially if the wife belongs to the upper classes of society. Such ladies, or rather their parents, help partners change jobs, get a rich dowry in the form of cars, yachts, real estate and a decent amount of money in the account, and also earn some points of prestige and respect.

To lose this for the sake of going nowhere or a mistress who is lower in status than the faithful? No way! Divorce is also difficult for influential politicians, lawyers and businessmen. If they decide to do it, it means that the relationship has really reached a dead end.

7. Family is a business

Once upon a time, he and his wife built a joint business that flourished and began to bring in profits. So what? Now give it up and start a redistribution of power? No, many men in such a situation choose a family business.

There is another option, when the husband treats marriage as a project that he serves and which brings a certain profit in the form of heirs, power and control of all finances.

8. Someone in the family is sick

This is the most popular excuse of married men. "My wife/mother/daughter/son/grandson is seriously ill, I can't file for divorce now, it will drive them to despair, and the condition will only get worse" - this is the phrase that mistresses often hear. However, all this may turn out to be the most real truth. When a loved one is ill, no adequate representative of the male sex will break off relations until he solves all the health problems of his relatives.

9. They are not confident in their lovers

A man may have a mistress and even feelings for her, but... Perhaps he is not very sure of her as a future wife and housewife. After all, the lady of his heart meets him beautiful, elegant and cheerful. But his wife, on the contrary, always walks around with a sour face, does not really like to do anything with her style and appearance, preferring only comfortable things. But what if, after another stamp in the passport, his new beauty turns into the same as his ex-wife?

10. They just want intimacy

Yes, representatives of the stronger sex can have an affair on the side for the sake of sex. It is not at all necessary to love your wife.

But men are in no hurry to please the ladies with whom they associate exclusively bed pleasures with a proposal of marriage. They are not crazy enough to marry someone who actually serves as a doll for satisfying physiological needs.

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. 1. They want their children to have a father
  2. 2. They don’t want to pay alimony in case of divorce
  3. 3. They are afraid of condemnation
  4. 4. They are comfortable in marriage
  5. 5. They don't want to change anything
  6. 6. They have a certain status
  7. 7. Family is a business
  8. 8. Someone in the family is sick
  9. 9. They are not confident in their lovers
  10. 10. They just want intimacy