It is generally accepted that someone who cheated once will cheat a second time, but in reality this is not the case.
Some people do learn from their mistakes. You'll know your partner has improved if you notice the following encouraging signs.
No one is obliged to reveal details of their past relationships. Therefore, if a person voluntarily shares their mistakes made in the past, this indicates that with a high degree of probability they will become a reliable partner.
Why should you expect that cheating will not happen again? At the very least, because the person admits to bad deeds out of a desire to be honest with you, and not because of pressure. In addition, you can be sure that your relationship is not built on lies and secrets.
There is no justification for cheating, but if a person understands why he decided to take this step, this speaks of his ability to self-analyze and take responsibility for his actions.
If the cheater is determined to start over, he will be understanding of any reaction you may have, be it sadness, disappointment, anger or other emotions. The same partner who is not familiar with remorse will become defensive or try to make you feel guilty.
If a person has cheated frequently and for a long time, they are likely to continue doing so. Repeated cheating often indicates a desire to constantly receive approval from others or a fear of serious commitment.
Judge whether your partner has reformed not by his words, but by his actions. A good sign is the decision to seek help from a psychologist, reading books, apologizing to the deceived partner, etc.