When to Plant Peppers: All Important Dates for Gardeners

03.02.2025 02:20

Pepper seedlings are planted starting from 15.02 and up until 8-9.03 at a depth of up to 2 cm; in open beds they are planted after 9.05 and up to 9.06, depending on the weather.

The landing site had to be well lit.

It is better to choose beds where onions, cucumbers, peas, carrots or cabbage grew in the previous season.

When planning to plant peppers in late winter - early spring, you need to take into account that sometimes the seeds take 2 to 4 weeks to germinate.

Therefore, they need to be sown no later than mid-March.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What we grow in

It is necessary to take into account that pepper cannot be transplanted or transplanted. In this regard, it is planted directly into special peat pots.

The diameter can be selected small, taking into account its small root system.

Preparing for sowing

If the seeds prepared for sowing are no more than 4 years old, they can be sown dry or soaked for a day in a wet napkin.

It is recommended to first activate older ones with any growth stimulator.

The germination of such shoots occurs faster and the germination percentage becomes much higher.

Without a stimulant, the germination rate of old seeds is quite low.

How to germinate

Wrap it in slightly damp gauze or a napkin, put it in a transparent bag and tie it well so that the bag itself inflates slightly.

Then transfer to a wooden board and place on the radiator. As soon as the first shoots appear, they are transferred to peat pots.

The soil in them must be pre-watered. Sowing occurs at a depth of about a centimeter.

Next, the pots are moved to a warm place without drafts with a temperature of around +15.

Growing seedlings

When the shoots become stronger, the room temperature should already be at +25 degrees Celsius, so that there are no growth lags.

The place should be light and spacious. Purchased soil does not require additional fertilizing.

It is recommended to water with warm water, once they have sprouted - every other day, and once a full-fledged shoot has appeared, then every day.

What days are favorable for planting seedlings according to the phases of the Moon?
1.02; 2.02; 4.02-6.02; 8.02-12.02; 2.03-5.03; 7.03-9.03

If we plant in a greenhouse

Planting in a greenhouse is possible starting from mid-April, but only if the days are warm and the soil is warm.

In case of cold soil, it is first doused with hot water and heated in the greenhouse.

Watering is done with warm, sun-warmed water. For additional insulation, black film can be placed between the beds.

What days are favorable for planting in a greenhouse according to the phases of the Moon?
10.04; 11.04; 6.05-8.05; 11.05-13.05; 25.05; 29.05; 30.05

If we plant in beds

Peppers are planted after 9.05, because the soil is unlikely to have time to warm up before this time.

Until the threat of repeated frosts disappears (which is approximately until 10.06), the seedlings are covered with non-woven fabric.

If there is no possibility to cover them, it is recommended to plant them in the beds after 10.06.

What days are favorable for planting in open ground according to the phases of the Moon?
11.05-13.05; 25.05; 29.05; 30.05; 2.06-4.06; 9.06-11.06

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

  1. What we grow in
  2. Preparing for sowing
  3. How to germinate
  4. Growing seedlings
  5. If we plant in a greenhouse
  6. If we plant in beds