If you want to harvest a truly impressive crop of zucchini from your plot, you will have to resort to a little trick.
As experienced gardeners say, the most ordinary plastic bottle helps them grow this crop in open ground.
Surprised? Let's look at all the intricacies of growing zucchini in order.
So, let's start with the fact that the roots of these plants are located quite deep in the soil.
This means that when planting vegetables, it is highly desirable to acquire a drip irrigation system that supplies small portions of water directly to the root zone.
This is the only way you can more than meet the crop's needs for constant and excessive watering.
So, you can create that same drip irrigation system yourself – it will be not only effective, but also very budget-friendly.
As mentioned earlier, you will need a bottle made of plastic.
Make holes in its bottom in any way convenient for you.
Holes can be made with a knife, leather cutters, a soldering iron, etc.
After this, bury the container in the garden bed where the zucchini grows, so that it is quite deep in the ground, but at the same time so that the hose can reach its top.
Water flowing through the hose into the bottle will seep into the soil and gradually reach a considerable depth, reaching the longest zucchini roots.