What is better to plant after parsley: secrets of proper crop rotation

30.01.2025 15:40

Every gardener sooner or later faces the question of what to sow in a bed where parsley used to grow.

Many people don’t even suspect that this fragrant greenery leaves behind a real gift for future plants – loose and enriched soil.

The root system of parsley deeply penetrates the soil, naturally loosening it. Due to this property, the soil becomes more breathable and structured.

The plant also enriches the soil with useful substances, creating favorable conditions for subsequent crops.

Various vegetable crops take root well in the bed after parsley. Here are the most suitable options:

Photo: © Belnovosti

1. tomatoes and peppers – grow well in loose soil;

2. cabbage of all types – loves nutritious soil;

3. potatoes – receive an excellent environment for the formation of tubers;

4. carrots – easily germinate in loosened soil;

5. Beetroot – enjoys structured soil.

Some plants are absolutely not recommended to be planted in place of parsley. Celery, dill and other umbelliferous crops may encounter growth problems due to similar diseases and pests.

Before planting new crops, the area requires minimal preparation.

It is enough to add complex fertilizers and slightly loosen the top layer of soil. Parsley has already done the main work of forming the fertile layer.

The timing of planting new crops depends on the region and the plants chosen.

However, the universal rule is: it is better to plant new plants 2-3 weeks after harvesting parsley. During this time, the soil has time to restore the balance of nutrients.

The bed after parsley can be left for the winter without planting. The soil will rest and accumulate nutrients.

In spring, such a plot will become an ideal place for any vegetable crops. The main rule of crop rotation is to carefully monitor the condition of the soil and plants.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor