Let's imagine a situation: a summer resident wants to sow seeds for seedlings, but doubts the quality of the material.
After all, the seeds can be quite old.
What to do in this case? The answer is simple: the seed material needs to be “revived”. And boiling water will help with this.
There is a very interesting method of sowing for seedlings. It consists of preliminary watering of the soil with water of very high temperature.
This approach promotes normal seed germination and the production of strong seedlings.
Do you want to "revive" the seeds? Then expose them to high temperatures.
You can simply place the seed material on cotton pads and pour hot water over it.
Next, you need to cover the seeds with dry cosmetic disks and send the resulting "constructions" into containers. The containers should be covered with film.
Or you can do it this way: plant the seeds in boiling water.
Water the soil where you plan to sow the seeds with very hot water.
Next, place the seed material and sprinkle it with soil.
After this, cover the containers with soil with film and leave them like this until the seedlings appear.
Planting seeds in the manner described above significantly increases the chances of rapid germination and obtaining the highest quality seedlings.
And as a result, the likelihood of getting a rich harvest increases.