How to Increase Cucumber Yields with Honey: An Interesting Countryside Trick

14.12.2024 06:20

It turns out that honey can be used as... fertilizer.

Cucumbers “react” well to this sweet viscous liquid.

Unfortunately, many summer residents do not know about this fact, so from year to year they are deprived of the opportunity to collect a huge harvest of green vegetables.

Have you also never used honey as a fertilizer? Correct this mistake at the first opportunity!

How to Turn Honey into a Gorgeous Fertilizer for Cucumbers

Add 6 teaspoons of honey to a bucket filled with water.

Photo: © Belnovosti

An “old” sweet that you don’t plan to consume for months (or even years) will be quite suitable.

Important: the liquid to which honey is added should not be cold. It is desirable that the water be moderately warm (not hot!)

Mix the contents of the bucket thoroughly.

As a result, you will get “honey” water, which you need to feed the cucumbers with.

How to feed cucumbers with honey water

It is enough to simply water the plant at the roots.

The result of this simple procedure will be a significant improvement in the condition of the cucumber bushes.

The yield of the vegetable crop will most likely be very high.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. How to Turn Honey into a Gorgeous Fertilizer for Cucumbers
  2. How to feed cucumbers with honey water