How to Grow Large Heads of Cabbage: Here's What "Treat" You Should Give Your Cabbage

05.12.2024 03:30

Do you want to get a quality cabbage harvest? Do you dream of harvesting large and dense heads of cabbage?

Then properly feed the garden crop half a month after planting the seedlings in open ground.

If during this period the plant receives some “treat”, then the chances of a good harvest will be maximum.

How to feed cabbage to form large heads

2-3 weeks after the cabbage seedlings have been planted in open ground, they need to be fed with a solution of cow manure (1:10).

Each plant should receive half a liter of the prepared liquid.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Mullein can be replaced with bird droppings. But then the ratio should be 1:15.

If both types of organic matter are not available, you can use humic fertilizer purchased from a specialized store.

After about half a month, the garden crop should be fed with a solution of cow manure again.

But this time you will need an additive such as nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of the product).

In addition, you need to increase the consumption of fertilizer: not 0.5 liters, but 1 liter for each root.

After another 2-3 weeks, the plant will need additional feeding. This time, you need to use mineral fertilizers: superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

For a bucket of water - one tablespoon of the first product and one teaspoon of the second.

Each plant should receive a liter of the resulting liquid.

If you follow all the above steps, you will help the heads of cabbage to “grow fat”.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief