Don't Plant Cucumbers in These 5 Places: You'll Lose Your Harvest

10.12.2024 02:30

One of the conditions for getting a good harvest of cucumbers is planting this plant in a suitable place.

If the garden crop is located “in the wrong place”, then the chances for healthy growth and full development will be minimal.

An expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh reminded summer residents which places are absolutely not suitable for cucumbers.

Shaded place

For rapid growth, normal development and prevention of pollination problems, garden crops need sunlight.

Planting cucumbers in the shade will result in partial or even complete loss of the crop.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But remember that the scorching sun also poses a danger to the plant.

Place with high humidity

Under such conditions, the plant will become vulnerable to fungal diseases and other dangerous ailments.

If the cucumbers become seriously ill, the gardener will hardly be able to harvest many quality fruits.

Near the trees

Woody plants will “take away” important compounds and microelements from cucumbers.

In addition, because of the trees, the garden crop will clearly not have enough sunlight.

Moreover, such “neighbors” can negatively affect the root system of cucumbers.

Next to the potatoes

Like cucumbers, this member of the nightshade family is vulnerable to late blight.

It is also necessary to take into account that potatoes will have to be periodically treated with preparations against pests. The preparations can get on cucumbers, and this is very dangerous.

However, using film can help solve the problem.

Next to the melons

When planting cucumbers next to these representatives of the pumpkin family, “competition” for nutrients will begin almost immediately.

In addition, plants can be affected by the same diseases and pests.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Expert: Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert / Belnovosti

  1. Shaded place
  2. Place with high humidity
  3. Near the trees
  4. Next to the potatoes
  5. Next to the melons