Few flowers love wood ash as much as roses.
We tell you how to properly feed roses with ash.
The optimal time for fertilizing roses with ash is when buds are forming, but it is also possible in autumn.
Roses respond well to both dry ash and ash solution.
In dry form, ash is added to the tree trunk circle and embedded in the soil.
To prepare the solution, take 200-300 grams of ash per 10 liters of water.
You can water or spray. It is important to remember that spraying during the day in sunny weather can cause leaf burn.
After dusk, you should also avoid spraying, as this can lead to the appearance of fungus.
You can also use ready-made complex fertilizers to feed roses.
They come in granular and liquid form. If you need to quickly revive your roses, use liquid ones, they are better absorbed.
In addition, roses like a mixture of superphosphate and monopotassium phosphate (15 grams per 10 liters of water).