How to Use Old Newspapers in the Country: 5 Interesting Options

26.06.2024 01:30

Do you have a whole stack of old newspapers at home? Don't rush to throw them away!

It would be better to take these periodicals to the country site.

The fact is that newsprint is an excellent “summer cottage” material.

Old newspapers will certainly find a use in the garden, vegetable garden and cellar.

Seedling cups

It is easy to make “cups” from newspaper, which can be used as containers for seedlings.

country house
Photo: © Belnovosti

Thrifty summer residents really like this method.

Part of the compost

Old newspapers can be sent to the compost pit. However, before this, periodicals must be shredded and mixed with plant remains.

There is no need to worry about the harm of printing ink: hazardous components have not been used in the creation of this product for a long time.

But you need to examine the paper: make sure that it is not glossy.


Newsprint can also act as a mulching material.

Cover the soil with newspaper. Then the soil will remain moist for a long time, and the likelihood of weeds appearing will be minimal.

For a raised bed

Old newspapers can also be useful for creating raised beds.

Periodicals should be laid in several layers and sprinkled with compost. The newsprint will be "recycled" by microorganisms and will improve the condition of the soil.

For storing the harvest

Newspapers can significantly increase the shelf life of harvested apples.

To do this, you need to wrap each fruit in paper. In this case, the fruits will acquire protection from infections and rapid loss of moisture.

Earlier we told you what every gardener should do in July.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Seedling cups
  2. Part of the compost
  3. Mulch
  4. For a raised bed
  5. For storing the harvest

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