What you shouldn't fertilize roses with: avoiding mistakes in care

28.04.2024 03:20

Roses are the queens of the garden, requiring attention and care. Proper fertilization is one of the important aspects of caring for these beautiful flowers.

However, not all fertilizers are equally beneficial for roses; some can even harm the plants.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", an agronomist and landscape designer, told how to act in such a situation.

Fresh manure: danger of burns and diseases

Fresh manure is an organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen. However, applying fresh manure to roses can lead to root burns and the development of fungal diseases.

The process of decomposing manure produces heat, which can damage the delicate roots of roses. In addition, fresh manure contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause plant diseases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Chlorine-containing fertilizers: risk of poisoning

Roses are sensitive to chlorine. Applying chlorine-containing fertilizers can lead to poisoning of plants, yellowing and leaf fall.

Avoid using fertilizers containing potassium chloride or other chlorine-containing components.

Ash on alkaline soils: imbalance

Ash is a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in potassium, phosphorus and other microelements.

However, on alkaline soils, adding ash can lead to an even greater increase in pH, which will negatively affect the absorption of iron and other important elements by plants.

Excess nitrogen: stimulation of green mass at the expense of flowering

Nitrogen is an important plant nutrient required for the growth of green mass.

However, excess nitrogen can lead to active growth of leaves and shoots to the detriment of flowering. Roses overfed with nitrogen form few buds or do not bloom at all.

Incorrect feeding time: consider the development phases

Roses require different nutrients depending on the stage of development.

In spring and early summer they need nitrogen for green mass growth. In the second half of summer and in autumn – phosphorus and potassium for abundant flowering and preparation for winter.

Incorrect feeding time can disrupt the balance of nutrients and negatively affect plant development.

Incorrect Fertilizer Application: Burns and Uneven Distribution

Fertilizers should be applied according to the instructions on the package. Incorrect application of fertilizers, such as granules falling on leaves or stems, can cause burns. It is also important to ensure that the fertilizer is evenly distributed in the soil around the plant.

Fertilizers with unknown composition: risk of imbalance

Avoid using fertilizers with unknown composition. An incorrect balance of nutrients can harm plants.

Choosing the Right Fertilizers: Specialized Solutions

For roses, it is best to use specialized fertilizers designed to meet the needs of these plants.

They contain the optimal balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as essential microelements. When choosing a fertilizer, consider the soil type, age of the plants and the development phase.

Previously, we talked about how to recognize and treat magnesium deficiency in plants.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor
Expert: Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert / Belnovosti

  1. Fresh manure: danger of burns and diseases
  2. Chlorine-containing fertilizers: risk of poisoning
  3. Ash on alkaline soils: imbalance
  4. Excess nitrogen: stimulation of green mass at the expense of flowering
  5. Incorrect feeding time: consider the development phases
  6. Incorrect Fertilizer Application: Burns and Uneven Distribution
  7. Fertilizers with unknown composition: risk of imbalance
  8. Choosing the Right Fertilizers: Specialized Solutions