Useful Garbage: 3 Waste Items an Experienced Gardener Will Never Throw Away

30.06.2023 10:58

A thrifty and cunning gardener tries to save certain culinary and garden waste.

The fact is that many leftovers are excellent fertilizer.

In addition, some waste can act as a pest control agent.

So, what should never be thrown into the trash?


The hard shell of eggs is a source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and many other microelements important for plants.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In order for the shell to "work" as a fertilizer, it must be turned into powder. To do this, use a coffee grinder or mortar.

The prepared product can be used to feed vegetables, fruit bushes and flowers.

In addition, eggshells can act as a protective agent. It is enough to put unchopped eggshells on the garden bed - and slugs will no longer pose a danger to plants.

Coffee grounds

This residue contains potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen components.

Thus, coffee grounds are an ideal substitute for complex mineral fertilizers.

Coffee fertilizer can be used on potato, onion, cucumber and many other beds.

Tomato leaves

Removing excess leaf blades helps increase tomato yields.

And you shouldn't throw away the collected tops. After all, you can make an infusion based on them, which will act both as a fertilizer and as a remedy against dangerous insects.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Eggshell
  2. Coffee grounds
  3. Tomato leaves

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