Raspberries will disappear right before your eyes: 3 mistakes in care leave summer residents without a harvest

07.06.2023 20:21

It's better to avoid these mistakes from the start than to correct the situation later.

Raspberries are among the unpretentious crops that put forward a minimal set of requirements.

But sometimes the bush can start drying out for no apparent reason. Against this background, a decrease in the size of the berries is noticeable. If the leaves suddenly start losing moisture, you should be wary.

There are several reasons why this happens. It is quite possible to correct the situation and not be left without a harvest.

The simplest reason is a lack of moisture. Raspberries love damp soil and have a hard time withstanding drought. Smaller berries are common in this situation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The second reason is nutritional deficiency. If the bush does not have enough resources to support healthy development of the ovary, then the plant gets rid of part of it.

A more complex and dangerous situation is when raspberries suffer from "branch dieback". In this case, we are talking about the plant being affected by a fungal infection. It settles in the vascular bundles of the raspberry, and the branch dies along with the fruit.

If the bush is affected by a disease, you cannot delay, otherwise the infection will destroy the entire plant. You need to prune. Remove all affected shoots. It is necessary to cut to healthy tissue so that the disease does not spread further.

Removed branches should not be left on the site. They must be burned, otherwise the spores will spread to healthy plants.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

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