Even if your entire plot is planted with currant bushes, there is no guarantee that you will harvest a bountiful crop from them.
To be sure that there will be plenty of berries, you should take care of fertilizing the crop.
In this case, experienced gardeners resort to using the simplest fertilizer, the preparation of which is not difficult.
But first things first. As is well known, currants are very partial to starch.
It is this quality that gardeners take advantage of, using potato peelings as fertilizer.
Some people dry the waste left over from peeling potatoes and bury it next to the bushes, while others dilute store-bought starch in water and water the plantings with this solution.
But there is an even simpler way to give currants the elements they need – water the plant with water in which potatoes were boiled.
Instead of pouring the decoction down the sink, fill a container with it and wait until it cools, then pour it into a 10-liter bucket filled with water and water the bushes.
For an adult plant you need a whole bucket, for young bushes the volume of one container can be safely divided by 3.