When to sow parsley in open ground: the best days for the best harvest

27.03.2023 14:19

Of all the greens, summer residents pay special attention to parsley, which is valued for its special taste and aroma, as well as its vitamin content.

The most important thing is that, despite all its unique properties, parsley grows almost like a wild plant and there are no difficulties with it. The main thing is to choose the optimal date for planting.

In this article we will tell you what time in spring is best to sow parsley in open ground.

Although parsley is not afraid of cold weather, it is better to sow it after the soil has warmed up thoroughly.

Depending on the climate and weather, this could be from early to mid-April.

Parsley greens
Photo: © Belnovosti

It would not be superfluous to turn to the lunar calendar for help. Until the end of March, you can sow parsley without fear, if the weather permits.

In April, it is recommended to wait until the 22nd, as well as the period from the 24th to the 27th. These days are considered the most successful.

And in May, parsley can be planted on the 4th, as well as from the 22nd to the 24th.

The calendar recommends sowing root parsley from April 7 to 9, as well as April 17 and 18.

In May there are slightly more favorable days: 6-9, 13-15, and also May 17.

Getting ready for sowing

1. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water.

2. Choose a suitable place in the garden and prepare a bed (usually add humus or compost, sand or peat - depending on the soil).

3. After this, the soil is loosened, watered, and furrows are formed at a distance of 15–20 cm from each other and up to 2 cm deep.

Important! After sowing, parsley is watered only after the shoots appear.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor