What to do if small bubbles appear on the leaves of seedlings: first aid for plants

16.03.2023 19:13

The seedlings need to be inspected periodically, even if they are still huddled on a windowsill or in another secluded place.

Pests and pathogens are not asleep. Even in an apartment, vegetable crops can catch some kind of infection or become the object of attention from pests.

We will tell you what to do if small swellings appear on the leaves.

If these are pepper seedlings, then the swellings appear on the back side of the leaf. On eggplants and tomatoes, on the contrary, they appear on the front side.

The swellings are usually white, but can also be sand-colored. If there are no signs of life (pests) in the container, then the plant is affected by dropsy, or oedema.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Soon the leaves may begin to dry out and fall off. This is how the seedlings may react to unfavorable environmental factors in which they grow.

There may be several reasons:

  • excess moisture or irregular watering;
  • low air temperature;
  • poor ventilation.

It is believed that the main reason is humidity. But for fear of overwatering, you cannot dry the shoots. After the plants have stood for a long time without water, the situation may change for the worse a few hours after watering.

Therefore, watering should not only be regular, but also done in the morning so that the plants have time to evaporate excess moisture through the leaves.

In addition, watering is carried out only at the roots with settled water at room temperature.

It is also important to avoid dense planting so that ventilation is not disrupted and all plants have enough light.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor