Grassy or watery taste: how summer residents ruin their tomato crops with their own hands

07.03.2023 09:20

Everyone is familiar with the taste of store-bought tomatoes, which by chance you have to buy during the cold season.

These are absolutely tasteless vegetables, similar to tomatoes only in color and shape. Otherwise, their taste is grassy or watery. The same can happen with the garden harvest.

How not to ruin the harvest of varietal tomatoes

It is believed that varietal seeds retain the taste and other quality characteristics of parent plants for many generations to come. But there are exceptions.

When you pick tasteless tomatoes from the garden, remember what you did wrong.

First, you need to water the seedlings according to the schedule. This plant does not need excess moisture at all. Because of this, only the bushes grow quickly, but the quality of the harvest will decrease.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Secondly, tomatoes need to be fed not only with environmentally friendly organic matter, but also with complex additives. But an overdose of nitrogen can play a cruel joke.

Thirdly, this heat-loving crop needs good lighting. And if you grow tomatoes in a shady area, the fruits may turn out loose and tasteless.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor