Why experienced gardeners plant beets along the edges of beds with other vegetables: a clever trick

05.03.2023 17:10

Beets not only grow well in a separate bed, but also “cooperate” well with other crops.

According to the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , good results can be obtained by planting beets next to potatoes, beans, cabbage, lettuce or radishes.

In addition, root vegetables can be grown around carrots, garlic and onions.

According to gardeners who often practice such combined plantings, beets and other vegetables have a beneficial effect on each other, improve taste and increase yield.

Another advantage of this option is that thinning out the plants growing along the edges of the beds will not take much time and effort.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is also worth mentioning that plants planted in different places look picturesque and decorate the garden with their lush and beautiful foliage.

If you decide to organize such plantings on your own plot, do not forget that you need to select neighbors for beets that will not shade the light-loving plant.

And the crop itself, when it grows large tops, should not shade low plantings.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor