Why experienced gardeners do not use tires on flowerbeds: read and tell your neighbors

14.02.2023 18:10

There were times when old car tires, after changing car tires, were sent to live out their days in garden plots.

Modern and experienced gardeners prefer to dispose of tires as required by law.

Let's try to figure out what harm is hidden in flower beds made from old car tires.

Before you fence your front garden with tires or plant your favorite perennials in the garden, think about the chemical composition of such a product. They say that after recycling old tires are used in road construction.

It is already becoming clear that there is no place for them in the garden.

Tires Tyre
Photo: © Belnovosti

Harm of tires

In hot weather, a tire in contact with the soil releases at least 15 harmful chemicals.

Substances are released into the soil, which means they end up in groundwater, and are also released into the air.

Some of these substances are toxic chemical compounds that actively enter into various reactions.

In addition to these, car tires emit: phenol, benzene, xylene, toluene, styrene, carbon disulfide, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, etc.

It is unlikely that any gardener would want their flowers, vegetables or berries to absorb such substances.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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