Why does an apple tree shed its ovaries after flowering: is it possible to save the harvest

13.02.2023 13:03
Updated: 14.04.2023 01:01

Experienced gardeners know that the joy of a lush apple tree blossom is premature, as everything can change at the very last moment.

The reason is not even in the return frosts that occur at this time, although it is not without them. There are 5 reasons for the tree to shed its ovary.

So, if after flowering the formed ovaries fall off the apple tree, you can try to save the harvest. But it is possible that the intervention will be too late.

Natural process

The tree itself decides how many apple trees it can grow and turn into a full fruit harvest this year. If there are many ovaries, then the fruit trees decide to shed some so that everything does not suffer - a process of self-regulation.

Moisture in the soil

Here the gardener is to blame, who missed the obligatory spring watering. It may be the other way around, because of heavy rains the soil aeration has worsened – you can loosen the soil in the trunk circle. If the weather is dry, then you need to take care of additional watering. At a distance of 30-50 cm from the trunk the soil should be moist at a depth of up to 40-50 cm.

Photo: © Belnovosti


At the beginning of spring, nitrogen is added. At the beginning of summer, potassium and phosphorus are switched. It is useless to adjust the fertilizing later. It is better to add fertilizers on time:

April – urea is added (30 g per 1 sq. m) for seedlings up to 3 years old, and for older trees the norm increases to 50 g;

when forming ovaries, add ammophoska (30 g per 1 sq. m on moist soil) and wood ash (1.5 cups per 1 sq. m);

After flowering is complete, spraying is carried out with stimulants that increase fruit formation.


It is possible that strong winds, heavy rains, and fluctuations in day and night temperatures are to blame. You can avoid trouble by growing acclimatized varieties of apple trees.

Diseases and pests

The first of the pests is the apple blossom beetle, sawflies, codling moth and other insects are no less dangerous. Of the diseases, you should beware of the development of scab, rust and other ailments.

At this stage, biofungicides "Sporobacterin", "Fitosporin-M" and other preparations are used against fungi and infections.

To get rid of insects, use Fitoverm or Lepidocide, which are also biological preparations, trapping belts, maintaining order in the garden, and also using folk remedies, such as dry mustard infusion.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Natural process
  2. Moisture in the soil
  3. Fertilizer
  4. Weather
  5. Diseases and pests