For an apple tree, solitude is better than dangerous company, which can lead to the tree's death.
Almost every summer resident tries to plant at least 1-2 apple trees on his plot. But not everyone knows that for this popular tree you also need to choose the right "neighbors".
This is eloquently demonstrated by the situation when some summer residents are covered with fruits, while others are barely collecting a basket of harvest from the tree.
The plants growing nearby play a huge role in the yield and health of the apple tree.
There is a whole list of trees next to which an apple tree will not only stop bearing fruit, but may also die.
So, the tree will not take root next to cherries, sweet cherries, apricots and other stone fruits. Such a neighborhood turns into a real struggle, in which the plant with more powerful roots will win.
The worst "neighbor" of the apple tree is the walnut. This tree secretes natural herbicides that suppress the plant. It is especially hard for young seedlings.