Pelmeni cannot be called the healthiest food product. Even those who are not too lazy to make semi-finished products at home will have to limit themselves.
The combination of dough and meat filling makes pelmeni a heavy food for the body. The consequences can be aggravated if you eat them with less suitable products.
Experts have explained what you shouldn’t eat dumplings with to avoid digestive problems.
As already mentioned, dumplings are considered to be a difficult food to digest.
If you add starch to them, then a feeling of heaviness in the stomach is guaranteed. These include bakery products, legumes, soy and beets, radishes, potatoes.
Although it is considered a long-standing tradition to add a little vinegar to dumplings, this habit can be harmful to health.
It is worth remembering that vinegar is not good for digestion. It is better to avoid it if you have gastrointestinal diseases, high acidity, inflammation, or ulcers.
In these and other cases, the use of vinegar worsens the course of the disease.
Mayonnaise, mayonnaise sauce and other mixtures based on it with flavor additives burden the gastrointestinal tract.
An already heavy dish becomes even more harmful to digestion.
All these tips should be taken into account by those who are forced to stick to a healthy diet or are trying to reduce the calorie content of their meals.