Lose 5-6 kilos in 5 days. Pre-New Year's separate diet: pros and cons

23.12.2024 10:28

New Year is already very close. But here's the problem - you're worried about your figure, you're afraid that in your holiday outfit you won't look as impressive as you'd like.

There is simply no time for fitness anymore: household chores, cooking, shopping, and work has not been cancelled.

However, there will be enough time to go on one diet, which will help you lose up to 5-6 kilos by the holiday.

Important to know

Let's make it clear right away: in addition to the desired effect, it can also have a side effect and negatively affect your health.

Therefore, as nutritionists advise, before making a decision about food abstinence, you should carefully study the question of whether you can withstand it.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But, most importantly, answer the following question: will the diet harm your health?

We are talking about a pre-New Year separate diet, which consists of 5 daily mono-diets.

Five days

First day. It is allowed to eat boiled beef, chicken, stewed rabbit.

It is necessary to alternate, each portion should be no more than 150 grams.

Day two. Only vegetables. Namely: boiled cabbage (broccoli or kohlrabi), stewed eggplants.

Salads made from fresh vegetables, such as cucumbers and radishes, are also recommended.

Day three. We eat fruits: apples, avocado, grapes.

Experts advise consuming no more than 200 grams at each meal.

Day 4. Cereals. In particular, boiled rice (white, red, brown).

You can add some walnuts, pine nuts, and almonds.

Day five. We consume fermented milk products.

Kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, and yogurt are recommended (up to 200 grams or 200 ml at a time).

Pros and cons

The benefits of this diet, according to experts, are that it improves the condition of the skin, speeds up metabolism, and cleanses the intestines.

Nutritionists consider the disadvantages to include potential weakness, increased fatigue, and headaches.

As for the expected result, experts say that in 5 days you can lose 4 to 6 kilos.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Important to know
  2. Five days
  3. Pros and cons