Everyone knows that to lose weight it is important to spend more energy than you usually get from food.
To maintain your weight, you need to consume no more than your daily calorie intake.
So it seems like everyone is literally required to count every calorie they consume. But that's not true.
Most often, this problem is relevant for people who have eating disorders. Also, those who have already encountered excess weight are "sinful" of constant counting.
It is important to understand that constantly counting calories and monitoring food becomes stressful for the body. As a result, there is a high probability that after a few days you will simply break down and consume a large amount of food.
As a result, all the efforts spent on calculations will be in vain.
There is also a high probability of developing an eating disorder, experts note.
If you have ever lost weight, you probably have a basic understanding of the caloric content of basic foods. Therefore, you do not need to update your knowledge every time.
If you generally remain at a healthy weight and don't indulge in excessive eating, there's no need to keep strict records: general information is enough.
Earlier we talked about the reasons why the belly grows .