How to Eat Garlic Properly: Many Eat It Without Health Benefits

17.12.2023 22:03

As we know, garlic is one of the healthiest foods. But what is little known is that many people eat it without any health benefits.

Moreover, in some cases the vegetable can even harm you, for example, by causing heartburn or gas, not to mention the specific smell.

Nutritionists recommend that people with stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and some other health problems completely avoid garlic.

For those who have no contraindications to garlic, experts advise removing the sprout before consumption to reduce the risk of stomach irritation.

And the vegetable should be cut into small slices, and then left to “stand” for five minutes.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But don’t delay, otherwise it may lose its flavor.

In no case should you eat garlic on an empty stomach, but it is also not recommended to consume it “in its pure form” - it is better with bread, lard, potatoes, borscht, and other foods.

Experts do not recommend combining garlic with fresh tomatoes, otherwise you risk getting heartburn and flatulence.

And you shouldn't drink it with milk, as it may cause an upset stomach.

You shouldn’t eat garlic with fruit – you risk getting fermentation in your stomach.

And before going to bed, refrain from consuming this vegetable, which can give you such energy that you will not be able to fall asleep.

By the way, nutritionists recommend eating half a clove daily (maximum one), if more, there may be negative consequences.

Earlier, the doctor named two products that should be excluded from the diet.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor