First of all, soup is perceived as a light dish, so excess fat will not do it any good.
As a result, not everyone will want to eat such a first course.
For this reason, it is worth immediately understanding why the soup can turn out fatty. First of all, this happens because of the combination of the already rich broth with the fried in oil, notes the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" on culinary issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova.
But it is possible to fix soup with excess fat.
Many people know that ice can quickly attract fat. Therefore, you need to take a ladle, put a few pieces of ice in it and lower it into the pan.
The fat content of the soup will be noticeably less.
But this secret is known to very few, because it is very original. You need to take a paper towel and twist it. Put it in a saucepan for a few seconds.
The procedure can be repeated.