How to Get the Most Delicious Breakfast from the Simplest Oatmeal: New Recipe

27.01.2024 13:20

Everyone knows that oatmeal is a very healthy product, but it can also be tasty, if, of course, you cook it correctly.

Expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova shared exactly this “correct” recipe, which will allow you to get the most delicious oatmeal breakfast.

To do this you will need:

  • Oat flakes, which require cooking for 10 minutes (less - less benefit, more - will not cook). For 3 servings you need 1 cup of flakes.
  • 1.25 cups of water.
  • Milk to taste.
  • A handful of nuts or dried fruit.
  • Honey or sugar to taste.

1. Prepare the dried fruits in advance: wash them and pour boiling water over them to soften them.

Photo: Pixabay

2. To cook the flakes, use a non-stick pan – set it to maximum heat, add the flakes and fry them for 3 minutes.

3. After frying, pour water over the flakes, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid.

4. Wait until the water has completely evaporated. Important: do not stir the flakes.

5. When all the moisture has evaporated, add the prepared dried fruits to the pan, as well as sugar and milk to taste.

6. Let the mixture heat up, but do not bring it to a boil – just a few “gurgles” are enough.

7. If you prefer honey, add it at the very end of cooking along with the nuts.

Earlier we talked about why housewives soak pasta before cooking.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor
Expert: Julia Arkhipova Expert / Belnovosti