Despite the fact that experienced housewives cook often, chefs will still have more experience.
This helps them understand culinary tricks that can make their professional work easier.
Almost all dishes need to be salted at the end. If you salt peas or other legumes ahead of time, they simply won't boil.
If you salt the potatoes too early, they won't be able to hold their shape. Even scrambled eggs or steaks should be salted as late as possible.
You probably don't want to see a stuck and unappetizing side dish on your plate. That's why the rice should be well prepared.
First it is washed and then kept in a bowl of water for up to 30 minutes.
In order for oven-baked potatoes to always have a crust, they must be cooked in a strictly defined way. First, the vegetable is peeled, washed and boiled.
You need to wait until it is half-ready. After that, you need to coat the potatoes with regular flour and put them in the oven.
It's rare to find someone who can easily pick out a ripe pineapple. It turns out that you don't need to press on the peel or try to determine ripeness by smell.
If at least one leaf comes off easily, the fruit is ready to be thrown into the shopping cart.
Making a quality and tasty dressing is not that difficult. Just add dry herbs and spices to a bottle of unrefined olive oil.
Previously, we talked about how to make a spectacular red borscht without using vinegar .