What secret additives will make minced meat for cutlets ideal: chefs revealed secrets

16.08.2023 13:53

To work with minced meat, many housewives are accustomed to using a basic set of products, which includes only classic ingredients.

However, unexpected ingredients make the mince more fluffy, airy and delicious.

What can be added to minced meat?


Many people add onions to the mince to make it juicier, but for some reason they forget about garlic. However, chopped garlic will simply transform the mince.

Any dish you cook will become much more flavorful.

Pickled cucumber

Few people have heard of this trick, but some cooks actively use it. A medium-sized cucumber should be put through a meat grinder and excess liquid should be removed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Afterwards we add it to the minced meat. Cutlets with the addition of an unexpected component turn out very juicy and unusual, since the pickled cucumber gives an interesting flavor.

Crushed ice

Many professional chefs know the trick with crushed ice. It needs to be crushed into crumbs and added to the mince at the final stage of cooking.

Thanks to this component, the cutlets come out incredibly fluffy.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What can be added to minced meat?
  2. Garlic
  3. Pickled cucumber
  4. Crushed ice