You can make this delicious dish from mackerel: be sure to try this recipe

14.07.2023 20:08

Fish is a healthy product. But if you are tired of the usual dishes, you can easily prepare a fragrant and appetizing snack based on this product.

We are talking about homemade forshmak, and instead of the herring that is usually used in this recipe, you should use mackerel.

For one kilogram of fish, you should prepare 5 cloves of garlic, one large onion, 30 grams of butter, half a glass of sour cream and a spoon of mustard. If desired, you can take your favorite spices, for example, pepper. Cottage cheese and dill will make the snack brighter.

How to cook

The fish needs to be washed, cleaned, and then put in the oven for half an hour with garlic. The mackerel should bake for about half an hour.

At this time, the onion should be chopped and fried until golden brown.

Photo: Pixabay

Once the fish has cooled down a bit, you need to remove the bones. Then you need to chop it together with the garlic. You can do this with a fork or a blender.

Then the prepared fish-garlic mixture must be mixed with the remaining ingredients.

It is advisable to put the snack in the refrigerator for a few hours. After that, you can safely prepare sandwiches with such a fish additive.

The result is a delicious dish that will perfectly decorate even a festive table.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor