Many housewives prefer homemade dumplings to store-bought ones.
Today we will share with you a secret on how to make this dish even tastier and more aromatic.
It's all about one cheap ingredient that can probably be found in every kitchen. In the nearest supermarket for sure.
We are talking about ground bay leaf.
This spice should be added to minced meat or chicken, which will be used as a filling for dumplings.
Since you are unlikely to find ground bay leaves on sale, it is worth stocking up on whole leaves and then grinding them using a coffee grinder.
The seasoning should be stored in a clean, dry container that is hermetically sealed - this way you will have access to the additive you need to prepare unforgettable dumplings at any time.
By the way, ground bay leaf can also be used in the process of preparing homemade sausages and kupaty.